1. Core of Process Stable Operation Present real-time operation performance for PID Loop, which is the core of process stability operation, and ensures stable operation by suggesting optimal PID tuning values. 2.Realtime Performance Monitoring Closed Control Rate : - present closed control loop rate for each process. Stable Control Rate : - present stable control rate of the process for each process. 3. Realtime Performance Evaluation Present Realtime Performance Evaluation : - Users can easily identify each PID loop performance by diagram. 4. Realtime Performance Evaluation Present Realtime Performance Evaluation : - present details of PID Performance information for each loop with various chart & trend. 5. Optimal PID tuning guide Guide to Optimal PID Tuning Values : - Users can easily find optimal PID tuning values with just a few clicks based on operation data. 6. Success Story Performance : - Secured stable operation due to significant reduction in standard deviation compared to previous operation. 7. Success Story Performance : - Secured stable operation due to significant reduction in standard deviation compared to previous operation.